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人物专访 - 利国昌

2021 Quarter 4 Newsletter 2021 年第 4 季度通讯

Finance, Hong Kong Headquarters

财务部, 香港总部

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Keep up with times and change, even create trends are the core elements for the success of the corporates

1. What do you like most about Milton's culture and values?

What I can feel and like most about working at Milton is the "O" of "MILTON", which is the openness attitude. Keep up with times and change, even create trends are the core elements for the success of the corporates. Therefore, it is essential to be open to the opinions, suggestions or ideas of our colleagues. During management meetings, Bobby and Sunny often mention that they are always open to new ideas and opinions from colleagues, and when I work with colleagues from different departments, they often have good suggestions. So don't be shy about giving me your opinion, and feel free to talk to me.

1. 你最喜欢万通文化和价值观中的哪一点?


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2. What is the biggest gain in Milton?


I have joined Milton for three and a half years, and the biggest gain is of my good colleagues without doubt. Of course, there will be occasional conflicts and prying at work, but we only take the matter on its merits. No matter it is a holiday or a happy event, colleagues will celebrate and share the happies with each other, and they will also help with ideas when there are difficulties. We don't take these things for granted, and we understand that we don't always get such good colleagues in other companies. People who holding same cultures or values would attracted by Milton's core value. Therefore we attract these good colleagues, and also our colleagues usually spend long time at this "family".

2. 在万通多X年最大收获是什么?

加入万通三年半,資歷尚淺,最大的收获当然是一班好同事了。 万通的同事们让我感到好像一家人似的,相处得很融洽,当然工作上偶然都会磨擦和拗撬,但都是对事不对人。生日的時候大夥兒會跟你不论节庆假日, 还是开心事情都有同事一起庆祝,同事們有開心的事會和大家分享,做了蛋糕和小食會帶回公司一起試吃,遇到有困难也或問題会帮忙出主意和出手幫忙。这些一切一切都不是理所当然的,而且在其他公司也不一定会遇得到那么好的同事。不同的团体因文化或价值观会的不同会吸引各種各樣的同事同质的人加入。,因此而万通這個共同體正正就吸引了这些好同事,所以万通的同事一般具都有很长的年资。


3. As the department head, what’s development direction in the future?

The three departments I oversee are Administration and Personnel(A&P), Finance(FIN), and Information Technology(I.T).


Regarding the A&P Department, the main goal is to improve the quality of service. For example, the average recruitment time of each department should be reduced, and the cost should be reduced while maintaining or improving the service quality of the administration department. At the same time, we want to increase the number of recreational facilities so that our colleagues from all over the world will feel at home when they return to the office. Of course, the opinions of all colleagues are indispensable, for the benefit of all of us, please give us more opinions!

For the FIN department, besides the current daily operations, we hope to add some functions such as internal audit and control, annual expense budget of each department, analysis of sales performance and profit contribution of each region, and participation in the approval of quota for each customer. This will help management and department heads to have more information and tools to make more accurate judgments and actions.


As for the I.T department, our goal is to enhance all colleagues' knowledge of modern computer technology, continue to upgrade our ERP system to reduce the workload of each department, and continue to identify new work systems such as M365 to make colleagues more comfortable in their work and company operations.

3. 作为部门主管, 期望部门未来有什么发展?









If you know any Milton staff who would be great profile subjects, tell us about them!  Please email to

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